Meet Susanne Woosley

Meet Susanne Woosley, real estate agent for NAI Beverly-Hanks Commercial.Commercial property owners and investors are lucky to find a trusted commercial real estate advisor like Susanne Woosley.
Since Susanne began her commercial real estate career in 1985, she has provided her clients with years of broad experience including tenant and landlord representation, development, acquisitions, dispositions, management, and environmental mitigation. She provides the expertise needed so that her clients can focus on their primary objectives: business expansion or contraction and real estate investment.
Susanne’s career credentials include the prestigious CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member, awarded in 1997) designation and CPM (Certified Property Manager, awarded in 1994), which demonstrate her commitment to further her knowledge so that she can provide the best advice for her clients. With these designations and her years of experience, Susanne has a unique understanding of the needs and expectations of many types of investors, including tenants and landlords, family trusts, foundations, and nonprofits.
Susanne’s commercial real estate career started with Grubb & Ellis in Phoenix, Arizona, as a retail specialist. She has also served as a vice president of real estate for major California banks, both in their trust departments and facilities divisions, as well as working in project management for a major hotel developer/operator in San Diego and as co-owner of an environmental mitigation company in Los Angeles. She has been with NAI Beverly-Hanks Commercial since 2007. In her spare time, Susanne enjoys reading, gardening, and the performing arts.
Read more about Susanne and how she can put her experience to work for you.